Inicio > Cider Mills > The Asturian apple takes a leading role

The Asturian apple takes a leading role

One of the best harvests in recent times will occur the current year.

LA SIDRA.-It is time to pick up apples and this year appears to be as one of the best regarding quality and quantity. The weather conditions have contributed to their growing and ripening, leading to a dramatic harvest. This is also due to the so-called “vecería”, which results in a greater harvest in odd years in Asturies.

Trabanco Cidermill, whose production comes almost entirely from Asturian apples, is getting ready for hard work till early December. After analysing and choosing the fruit by hand, they use tradicional wooden presses which, though involving a slower proccess, produce cider of a higher quality.

This year, Villaviciosa and Gascona, in Uviéu, have awarded Trabanco as “best cider”, highly appreciated both for professionals and final consumers.

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