Inicio > International > The Asturian delegation of Cider Cities starts a round of official visits in Ireland

The Asturian delegation of Cider Cities starts a round of official visits in Ireland

In their tour they will speak with the Irish Minister for Rural Affairs and with the President of the Chamber of Commerce, handing them official letters from the corresponding Asturian organizations

Members of the board of the European Network of Apple and Cider Cities -Cider Cities- among which is the founding member and president of the Asturies XXI Foundation, Marcos Abel Fernández, are having today the first official meetings within a tight program of institutional visits with the Irish authorities.
The first meeting will be with Jerry Buttimer, Irish Minister for Rural Affairs and Community Development, to whom they will deliver a letter from his Asturian counterpart, the Regional Minister for Rural Affairs and Agricultural Policy Marcelino Marcos Líndez.
That same afternoon they will meet with Moira Murrell, CEO of Cork County Council, with whom they will discuss the possibilities of collaboration between the members of Cider Cities.
Next week they will continue with the meetings, delivering to the President of the Cork Chamber of Commerce a letter from the President of the Xixón Chamber of Commerce, joining links between the two entities.
Finally on Tuesday 25th they will speak with Clir Dan Boyle, Mayor of Cork, at the Cork City Hall.
The last act in which they will participate has a special symbolic content: they will plant an apple tree on public land in Carrigaline.
This trip will serve to strengthen the link between Asturies and Ireland, which has in the council of Cork one of its main cider areas, enhancing the progress of the European cider sector as a community.

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