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The cider photo library continues to triumph

One of the photographs included in the LA SIDRA photo library exceeds 3,000 impressions

LA SIDRA.- More than 3,300 impressions of a photograph on Facebook, but the rest are similar, with an impressive response on social networks, and a remarkable following of the website itself.
In this case, they are some photographs of José Manuel Sánchez’s cooperage, ‘El Moyáu’, in Venta Las Ranes, Villaviciosa, a cooperage that produced an average of 10 barrels per month in the 1960s, barrels that weighed 3 tons –those of 48,000 liters, and whose transfer to the place of destination was a real odyssey. As an example, to transport one of his barrels to a San Sebastian winery, he needed to take it by road passing through Burgos and Zaragoza so as not to encounter obstacles due to the volume of the load.

The LA SIDRA photo library is an initiative of the Asturias XXI Foundation that has the support of the Regional Ministry of Culture, Language Policy and Tourism, and the FMCEUP of the Xixón City Council. Its purpose is the recovery, contextualization, digitization and centralization of photographs prior to 1980 related to cider.
For this work they also have the collaboration of the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies -with which the Asturias XXI Foundation has a collaboration agreement and a museum depository-, of photographic associations such as ‘Asemeyando’, and that of a large group of collaborator s who are gradually giving shape and content to this initiative.

For this LA SIDRA Photo Library, two possibilities of contributing material are offered:
1.- The donation of photographs that become part of the museum collection that the Asturias XXI Foundation has in the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies, digitizing them, and giving the donor a high-quality physical reproduction and a larger format than the original, also providing the digital file.
2.- Facilitate the digitalization of the photographs, but conserving their physical property, in which case they also receive the digital file.

It is a project as interesting as it is ambitious, for which said Foundation calls for collaboration, both in terms of organization in the project itself and the contribution of material, providing a contact email for this: fasturies21@


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