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The DOP offers glasses of cider for custom use

The Regulatory Council PDO Sidra de Asturias launches an initiative that allows the consumption of cider to be adapted to the new health emergency situation

THE CIDER.- The Regulatory Council is ahead of the new consumption needs caused by the current health crisis and makes 40,000 glasses of cider available to consumers and hoteliers that allow its personalized use.

The current pandemic caused by Covid-19 has changed not only our daily habits, but also our way of consuming. The most effective preventive measure to reduce the risk of contagion by coronavirus is based on avoiding proximity to carriers, who can transmit the virus through respiratory droplets that are produced when they cough, sneeze or speak. This circumstance, together with the absence of a proven cure for the disease, forces extreme personal hygiene.

The cider is not a foreign product to the new situation generated by the Covid-19. Its peculiar form of social consumption, characterized by sharing the glass between several people, may be temporarily affected by the modification of the consumption habits of our most iconic product. For this reason, it is expected that during the period of health crisis, the consumer will demand safer drinking habits, such as personal use of the glasses.

For this reason, and with the aim of supporting any initiative that helps fight this disease and supporting the cider sector during these difficult times, the Regulatory Council of the PDO “Sidra de Asturias” will distribute, from 25 May, 40,000 glasses of cider with six different colors, which will allow each consumer to identify their glass.

The action promoted by the Regulatory Council and valued at more than € 60,000, reinforces its commitment to the cider sector and the health of Asturian society, promoting the safe consumption of products with a guarantee of quality and origin made entirely in Asturias, such as this is the case of the “Asturias Cider”, made under the umbrella of the Protected Designation of Origin “Asturias Cider” that guarantees its production from 100% Asturian apples.

It is time to fight for what is ours and, therefore, the Regulatory Council intends that this gesture help to reactivate the consumption of PDO Sidra de Asturias in a safer way and ensure that the hospitality sector re-emerge after this period.

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