Inicio > Cider Bars > The Restaurant Owners Association of Gascona values the law decision on Preba de ​la Sidra ​positively

The Restaurant Owners Association of Gascona values the law decision on Preba de ​la Sidra ​positively

The law dismisses the appeal of the Association of Neighbors against the authorization granted by the Municipality of Uviéu for the celebration last May of the XIX Preba de la Sidra.

THE CIDER. – The Association of Cider Bars of Gascona ‘The Cider Boulevard’ informs in a press release that it values ​​very positively the judicial resolution given to know in the day of yesterday and that would allow the celebration of the Preba de la Sidra, a cider celebration. They consider it important to respect a party of interest for the citizenship that will be two decades old in its next edition.

Both in this process and in the news last week, the association respects the procedure and the decisions of the judges, but – in both cases – is aware that the two sentences handed down are not yet firm and that the parties they have the possibility of appealing in the second instance. The Cider Boulevard studies, at this time, to appeal against the judicial resolution that harms their interests in the celebration of the Craft Market of Gascona, a decision that will be taken in a few days and that probably everything points to unanimous agreement to appeal it.

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