Dr. Fe Santoveña Zapatero gave a class about the country’s costume as part of the FIL 2019 program.
The tent of Asturias within the An Oriant Interceltic Festival is having very complete talks about Asturian culture. In them the public can understand a little better our idiosyncrasy with specialists on the most important products, in addition to identity signs such as the country’s costume.
Fe Santoveña Zapatero, renowned anthropologist and historian, was responsible for explaining the different pieces of our male and female clothing last Monday, August 5. To do this, he used three of the artists from the bagpipe bands and groups that make up the Asturian Delegation this year.
The talk, which was very well received, was made entirely in French and was the interactive sea: in addition to showing the functions of each part of the suit and how they could indicate the social status of the wearer, it served so that the entire audience could distinguish to our people from the rest of the participating delegations. Because in Asturies things are done in a different way.
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