It will be next Friday and in the act the actor Roberto Álvarez will be named as Ambassador of the Cider of Asturies Solidarity 2018.
LA SIDRA.- In previous years this espicha (traditional cider meeting) was organized by the cider mills of Selected Apple, companies that in 2017 announced their incorporation to the Denomination of Origin and that this past harvest they already presented their products. So, now, the event is organized by the Sidra de Asturies Protected Designation of Origin in collaboration with the Sandra Ibarra Foundation for Solidarity Against Cancer. The objective is to raise funds to promote the School of Survivors.
The espicha will be held on September 14 at the Llagar de Castañón in Quintueles. To note that, by the way, he has been the winner of the last Villaviciosa Natural Cider Contest. “A whole party around Asturies Cider and with an extremely important objective: to promote the New School of Survivors”. This is how the participating organizations are defined and assure that it is the fruit of the collaboration agreement that the Asturies Cider maintains, in which the 31 PDO llagars participate together with 322 producers and the Sandra Ibarra Foundation. The cost of participation in this espicha is € 30, of which € 10 will be donated to the Sandra Ibarra Foundation. Tickets for Espicha Solidaria are already on sale at the Regulatory Council headquarters in Villaviciosa and at the address:
During the Espicha we will know the work of a public figure who has excelled in the dissemination and promotion outside Asturies of the culture of the Asturies Cider. The winner will be the actor of cinema, theater and television Roberto Álvarez, for his continued work of promotion and dissemination of culture and the tradition of the Cider of Asturies throughout the state territory.
Anzu Fernández is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations.
He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).
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