Inicio > Cider Mills > “We cannot deny that the situation is difficult, but we have to move on”

“We cannot deny that the situation is difficult, but we have to move on”

Julián Castañón, winner of the DOP contest, is the star of our interview of the month, which will be published shortly, in the next edition of LA SIDRA magazine

THE CIDER.- One of the objectives of Llagar Castañón is to achieve stability in the quality of its cider, a difficult condition to achieve in this drink, subject to many different factors in its production process. However, the recognitions obtained both in this and in previous years show that it has chosen the right path since its brands occupy the top positions in the most important competitions. The last: best natural cider in the contest for the Protected Designation of Origin.

“The truth is that it does cost work because cider is a difficult product, the raw material is quite changeable, not every year you can get the same types of apple, so you have to carefully select the ones you are going to use. Of course, for what I am betting, which is for the Protected Designation of Origin, there is enough apple every year. Our efforts are focused on maintaining the regularity of our cider. As a result, we are looking for a fruity cider that appeals to the general public, that enters well, that is smooth and rich ”, explains Julián Castañón.

The llagarero, points out, that unlike what was traditionally done in Asturies, he bets on certain varieties of apple. “Before, the more Mayan apple varieties put together, the better the cider was considered. A lot of mixing was requested. We decided to do the opposite, we actually bet on certain varieties every year, and more or less we have managed to do it ”.

The full interview can be read in the paper magazine, and online, which is coming out.

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