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Euskal Sagardoa. Basque cider with Denomination of Origin

It includes 115 apple varieties, includes 36 cider mills and this first year they will cork 1.320.000 liters.

LA SIDRA.- The Basque denomination of origin, Euskal Sagardoa will be a label in each bottle as guarantee with a specific image of the red apple, and each bottle will be also red itself with that design.

From 2011 cider in Euskal Herria had two quality labels, Eusko Label and Gorenal, so with the beginning of Euskal Sagardoa, both bind together in a same project that has the support of the three foral councils and the Basque government.

This first year the quality label includes 36 cider mills, 115 apple varieties, has more than 200 hectares of apple orchards and will cork 1.320.000 cider liters. Regarding the quality certificate in every bottle, the specialized laboratory Fraisoro will be the one in charge of assessing the quality and Hazi will verify the process.

It’s remarkable that having Euskal Herria less than half a thousand autochthonous varieties they already have the DOP for 115 while in Asturies, that we exceed the 2.000, there are only 14 recognized, now 23 and maybe 41 since, as they announce from SERIDA “We think this is good for cicder, for the producers and the genetic and cultural heritage of our country”. So? Why didn’t they did the things properly in the first place?

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