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Foncueva, Muñiz, Trabanco and Peñón present the new harvest of Cider of Selection

There was also the announcement of the collaboration campaign of this quality label with the Sandra Ibarra Foundation Against Cancer and the new web site:, also in Asturian.

THE CIDER.- Yesterday Tuesday 10th of March there was the presentation of the Cider of Selection’s new harvest in the Museum of the Asturian Village of Xixón. Here besides of the presentation of the four cider mills under the label of selected apple from Asturies, they also announced the collaboration with the Sandra Ibarra Foundation Against Cancer for theresearch and development of a cure for this disease. “The collaboration was made public because we want the customer to know that buying a bottle of Cider of Selection is contributing” stated José Manuel Riestra, from Sidra Muñiz and president of the Association of Cider Makers of Cider of Selected Apple.

In the event also spoke Gloria Fernández, director of communication of that association; Javier Nievas from Caxa Rural d’Asturies; Jorge González-Palacios, manager of Divertia; and Jesús Cases, general director of Rural Development and Agroalimentation. There were also representatives fromthe different Asturian municipal associations and collaboration companies such as Agromar, Campoastur, Casería La Madera, COASA, COEM and Sandra Ibarra, from the Foundation.

Cider of Selection was born for three reasons: empowering the Asturian agriculture sector, especially our apple, the quality and differentiation in the cider world and finally a bet for the “know how” and for tradition. After the presentation the attendees enjoyed cider from the four cider mills producing cider of selection. In their respective stands there were: David M. Foncueva from Sidre Foncueva, the aforementioned José Manuel Riestra from Sidre Muñiz, Samuel Trabanco from Sidre Trabanco; and Juan Miguel González from Sidre Peñón.

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