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Gascona exceeds itself

The XVII CiderTasting of Gascona, ech time a higher reference in the Asturian cider scene, with the triumph of Viuda de Angelón and Orizón.


THE CIDER.- In the Tasting there was cider from the cider mills that distribute cider in Gascona’s cider bars: Buznego, Castañón, Cortina, El Gobernador, Fonciello, Foncueva, Herminio, JR, L’Argayón, La Llarada, Menéndez, Muñiz, Orizón, Roza, Trabanco, Vallina, Vigón, Viuda de Angelón and Viuda de Corsino. It was once again a great success.

With Gascona street crowded of cider lovers and a suitable weather, which is important. Uviéu got to be again cider’s main city of Asturies with this event that year by year exceeds itself until being now a reference in the Asturian cider scene.

The contest Best Cider of Gascona had two winners, the popular one was for Viuda de Angelón and the Official Jury’s one for Orizón. An indisputable triumpf for cider from Nava.

The professional jury was headed by Luis Estrada and the cider was served by Jorge Vargas, 2015 Cider Pourer Champion and the jury was composed of Maximino Villarrica, Gumersindo Martínez, Joaquín Cernuda, Severino Cueva and Agustín Rodríguez.

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