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High participation in the contest of the Best First Cider of the Year

Pesia lo alantrao d’esta selmana santa y comu vieno’l tiempu, yá hai 42 llagares iscritos nel Concursu de la Meyor Primer Sidre l’Añu.

THE CIDER.- Just about to begin the third edition of the contest that awards the Best First Cider of the Year, that would be the official of the PSLA that will take place on next 24th to 27th of March and the participation of cider mills is being bigger than expected, with already 42 ciders already signed in.



Despite the little tiredness of the cider makers due to the elevate number of cider contests and this year’s announcement was a little bit early so not every cider mill was ready, the II Contest for the Berst First Cider of the Year is established as one of the reference cider contest in the Asturian scenario. This is due to the high number of participants, regarding which is the second, as well for its specificity since it is the only one of its kind of non blended cider.

Of the winner cider it will be purchased 100 cases to make them available for the attendees of the VII First Cider of the Year as official cider of the event.

The contest will take place in the cider bar from Xixón El Otru Mallu on 10th and 11th of this month. The jury will be leaded by Manuel Busto along with Joaquín Fernández, Guti de La Ballera, Ricardo Ríos and Mercedes from Sid. La Mareona, having the best cider pourers of Asturies, like the champion 2015 Jorge Varas, and the champions of past editions Wilkin Aquiles and Salvador Ondó.

For seven years now LA SIDRA begun to work for the recovering of thhe new cider, almost forgotten by the market due to the industrialization process of the cider mills and the generalization of the blending, being now each time more the cider mills interesting in selling this kind of cider. Especially it should bne highlighted the case of the Cider of Selection, which corks specifically this kind of cider, keeping it  in the market for three months.

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