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II Cider Masterclass

The II Cider Masterclass took place at Fran Cider Mill in Llugones and had the collaboration of those who completed the route of the “Xixón of Cider 2015’s” cidermap.

THE CIDER.- Iván De La Plata, General Manager of Fenicia and coordinator of the Master made the presentation and settled the goals of the class and its development, speaking then José Antonio Norniella, oenologist professional. He spoke about the defects and features of cider, explaining why does the cider go thicker, fruity, the lack of bubble as well as smell defects and other aspects.

Then was the turn of Gloria Fernández, manager of the Cider of Selected Apple (which is not the same as DOP cider) telling the differences of this quality label and the cider pourers Loreto García Gutiérrez, cider pourer champion in 2009 and Carlos García Suárez, champion 2015, served three ciders: Trabanco, Muñiz and Peñón.

At the end the cider maker from Fran Cider, Javier Ramos Noriega, showed his cider mill to the participants and the biologist Pedro Ramas made the organoleptic analysis of the cask.

The II Masterclass ended as it could not be otherwise with a great cider tasting with Fran cider and Asturian products of the finest quality.

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