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Impressive Rigtig Cider in Denmark

Asturian cider had a splecial place in the Danish event with the DOP cider and Roxmut.

THE CIDER.- This Rigtig Cider, which took place in Copenhagen, can be assessed as a true success, both for the number of participating cider mills as well as for the quality of the presented cider and the great atendance of public interested, who could value the virtues of cider in the many different presentations it had there.

Regarding Asturian presece, LA SIDA has its own stand where to give to know our cider, especially that under the DOP, representing ciders awarded in the DOP Ciders: Val de BoidesEspañar and EM. Apart of it there was the presentation of  Roxmut, the now popular cider vermouth by Castañón cider mill that surprised the visitors, who enjoyed it so much, being the only one product of its kind among the whole variety.

Of course cider pouring continues to gather everybody’s attention although it is each time more well known due to the imporant international work some Asturian cider makers do, the increasing attendance of foreign producers to Asturian events (First Cider oh The Year, Xixón of Cider, Nava’s Festival, International Hall of Gala Ciders…). And why not, also the work carried out by LA SIDRA- Asturies XXI Foundation, which only this year was present in half a dozen international cider events, taking cider and Asturian cider culture wherever it goes.

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