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Kits for making cider

Following the model of home made beer brewing each time are more usual the “kits” for making cider.

THE CIDER.- To make home made cider is something very usual in our country where Asturian cider culture has a relevant strength, bue as the cider consumption turns into something very general the kits for making cider are each time more frequent. That is the case for places where it was never made or urban areas where there are limitations for the traditional elaboration.

In one of these kits comes with “everything necessary to prepare three times the best home made cider you have ever tasted”, according to a kit, which for € 45 includes all the ingredients to make cider: 1 jar of ferment of 3’8 liters, cork, tubes, termometer, 3 packs of cider yeast and 3 sterilization.


The isntructions to prepare 11 liters of “sparkling” cider in just 4 weeks are the following: “all you need is a little bit of apple juice, (you can buy it from the shop, you don´t need to have an orchard at home) and enjoy the nice elaboration process very like the beer but easier. Followint the traditional methods this kit offers in scale the chance to make your own cider in just 4 weeks. The final result will be 3 sets ( approximately 8 pints -3’7 liters- per set) of home made sparkling cider”

 métodos d’ellaboración tradicionales, esti kit úfrete a escala la posibilidá de crear la topropia sidre en namás 4 selmanes. El resultáu final ye de 3 llotes (aprosimadamanete 8 pintes -3,7 llitros- por llote) de sidre burbuxeante casero”.

The very best are the final indications “Invite your Asturian friends, they will freak out!”

Indeed we freak out. We’re scared to death!

sidre, sidra, sidro, cider, cidre, sagardoa, Apfelwein, Píngguǒ jiǔ, cidro, siideri, seidr, leann úll, Saidā, sider, jablečné víno, jabłecznik, sydr

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