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Marathon at El Escalón Cider Bar

Héctor Moro has finished his ninth solidary marathon against cancer at El Escalón Cider Bar in La Felguera.

LA SIDRA.- As he previously did at El Requexu Cider Bar of Xixón, Héctor Moro starred again a cidery marathon in a treadmill located in a cider bar -El Escalón, in La Felguera-. It was welcomed by the support and admiradion of the customers, crowdfunding an amount of 1500€ for the Josep Carreras Foundation, against leukemia.

At the end of this marathon the sportsman manifested his satisfacción for being able to contribute with his time and effort to fight against cancer, with this ninth time marathon of 42.196 km and 5.000 € for the Galbán Association (Families of children with cancer of Asturies) and almost 2.500 for the Asturian Association Against Cystic Fibrosis. But Héctor Moro didn’t stop to run, as he said when he finished the marathon, “this doesn’t end here”.

This initiative is useful not only for crowdfunding for the cause but also to make the society aware of this problem and also recover the social function of Asturian cider bars, always committed with the social reality in which they are.

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