The organization will not be able to appeal against the judgment on compensations of the two workers since the judge has decided there is no further way legally.
THE CIDER- THe judge in charge of the compensations and the rescission of cotract of the two workers of the Cider Mueum did not admit the appleal made by the Cider Foundation. To continue with this appeal it would be needed € 68.000 to appeal the sentence. But there is no money. there is no appeal. To face this situation the Mayor of Nava and president of the Foundation, Juan Cañal, asked for an urgent meeting with the management of the museum to reach an agreement with the workers.
At the beginning of this year the workers from the Cider Museum decided to take their working situation to the justuve. Some monbths without payment made impossible the situation there. The Cider Foundation, manager of the museum, asked for a credit to pay them. Of them, two workers who continued trhough the legal way demanding the rescission of contract for the continuous impayments they were suffering. At the end of June a legal sentence gave them the reason, so they have to be paid € 68.000 each for the contracr rescission.
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