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On the Cider Arc

This year the Atlantic Arc Festival will have an especial space for cider from the Atlantic Europe.

The Cider Arc will definitely be one of the main events inside Xixón’s Cider Arc, with an exposure of the 22 pictures from LA SIDRA’s Photography Contest and a bunch of activities with cider as protagonist. This is, cider from all around Europe and especially from countries with minorized languages, also protagonists of this “Sea of languages”: Galician, Asturian, Portuguese (Mirandese, dialect of Asturian), Basque, Ocitan and Breton. Those will be the center of the Cider Arc, with a day decicated to each of them from 25th to 30th of July, although we will be there from friday 21st.

The tent of the Cider Arc will be locate at the Sports harbor, at Queen’s Gardens and daily will offer tastings of cider from Asturies and from the rest of Atlantic Europe.

Moreover, every day there will be guided tastings paired with cheeses from their respective countries. They wll be guided by known experts in the matter such as David Castañón, blogger from, Eduardo Coto manager of Guerrilla Imports, and Ignacio Cuervo from LA SIDRA, among others.  

Likewise Asturian cider mills will have a protagonist role, offering conferences and tastings of their products, even presenting their new brands, as El Duqye will offer a signed edition of his brand just for the attendees.

Apart of it, there are scheduled the following conferences:

Wednesday 26th. Occitania

19:30  “Cider in photography”. Luis José Vigil-Escalera Quintanal. Specialized photographer around cider and its environment, with several national and international prizes, member of the Statal Confederation of Photography and president of the X LA SIDRA’s Photography Contest.

Thursday 27th. Asturies

19:30 “Cider in the kitchen”. Lluis Nel Estrada. Cook specialized in gastronomy and communication, gastronomic marketing and agroalmentation. He has released four works: “Con Tastu a Sidra”, “Cocina Tradicional Asturiana en Cuatro Estaciones” and “Cuarenta Quesos, Cuarenta Platos”, this last one got him the recognition as Master Cheese Chef of Asturies in 2006.

Friday 28th. Euskal Herria / Basque Country

19:30 “La Patrimonialización de la cultura. El casu de la Sidre d’Asturies”. Xuan de Con. Anthropologist, professor-tutor in UNED. 

Sábadu 29 Breizh / Brittany

19:30 “L’Océanu que baña la sidre / The Ocean around cider”. David M. Rivas, main professor of Economic Structure in the Authonomous University of Madrid, where he teaches the sobjects: worldwide economc structure and sustainable development. Nowadays he is professor and researcher in different places in Europe and America and is member of the Latin-American Observatory of Territorial Order and Sustainability and in the Interuniversitary Istitute of Spacial Sustainable Economy.

He has lots of releases, to be highlighted the ones about Asturian ethnography: “La sidra asturiana. Bebida, ritual y símbolo” (Xixón, 2001). Second edition in 2007. “Las fiestas asturianas. Nuevas formas y viejos ritos” (Xixón, 2009).

Sunday 30th. Galicia

19:30 “Sidre y espacios de sociabilidá n’Asturies / Cider and sociability spaces in Asturies”. Antonio Martínez Fernández. Graduate in Geography and History, author of several books, among them “Noreña and cider”, work winner of the third edition of the Emilio Trabanco Essay Award. This is a study over the local history about the cider sector in general and cider industry in particular as main topic and that takes on account the social and cultural connotations of cider in Asturies.

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