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Rural Development will compensate those producers who maintain the landscape

The Council announced this project and some others related with the DOP Cider of Asturies.

LA SIDRA.- In the last presentation of the DOP harvest there were spoken certain matters around cornerstone topics of the cider sector. There was present the Councilwoman of Rural Development and Natural Resources, María Jesús Álvarez. The main topic was the inclusion of cider mills into this Denomination of Origin but there were also news about other measures for Asturian producers. One of this proposal is related to the environment, an indispensable action if we still want to live in a Natural Paradise.

The councilwoman stated: “we can’t pretend to make Cider of Asturies with apples that are not from our land. And we beleive that apple orchards are a pillar of our landscape that demands better protection, when intensive explotations seem to lack any. Thus we want to struggle to maintain what is ours” and added “Today is also a suitable day to announce that from Rural Development we will propose the authorities a new specific measure to compensate those apple producers that do so respecting and maintaining the landscape and local culture, with the proper costs that means”.

She also highlighted the relevance of making the sector more professional. “Wee have to add more apple varieties and that will let us increase the rank of production by cider makers while establishing the Asturian varieies”. According to some informations, the varieties to be included are around forty, maybe more.

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