The schedule of the tasting course is now official. It was released by the Association for the Support of Asturian Cider for juries of homemade cider contests.
THE CIDER.- This very interestig initiative, limited this time to 12 participants, will allow to unify criteria among the people participating in a jury along homemade cider contests, knowing thus which aspects to assess both positively and negatively.
On 4th of June there will be open the sign in term and among all the people signed in there will be selected a dozen people in the tastings taking place on the days 9th and 10th, choosing the participants according to the results.
The course will be given on Thursdays from the 23rd of June to 14th of July in the afternoon. On them Tano Collada will explain the gustative features of cider, Pedro Ramas the olfactory ones, defects and virtues and Javier Riestra the visual aspect and behaviour in glass, while Maximino Villarica will explain the differences of homemade and industrial cider.
As an aspect to be highlighted is that this would be an example since it includes an adaptation for visually impaired people.
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