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Success of Wilkin Aquiles

The cider pourer won the XXXI Cider Pourers Contest taking place in Mieres


THE CIDER.- On last 22nd of June there was in Mieres del Camín the XXXI Cider Pourers Contest in the festivities of Saint John. There were 25 participators in the contest at the Plaza del Requexu, which began at five in the afternoon.

The success was for Wilkin Aquiles from El Mallu Cider bars, Jason Franco from the cider bars El Madreñeru and Salvador Ondó, also from El Mallu. Likewise the rpize for the best local pourer was for José Javier González from the cider bar Valles Mineros.

On LA SIDRA’s next issue there will be a more extense reportage about Aquiles, Ondó and Jorge Vargas –current 2015 cider pourers chamion-. In the section “Current cider” there will be a reportage about El Mallu cider bars where Ernesto Álvarez is the owner and where he highlights the relevance of having professional cider pourers to give cider the care and respect it deserves.

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