Inicio > The Cider Bars from Gascona Association from Uviéu has joined the celebratons for some activities for all the public and all ages.

I Tastia de Sidres d’Espolleta y quesos asturianos n’Uviéu

L'actu tuvo llugar na Ruta los Vinos carbayona, y cuntó con una gran acoyía LA SIDRA.- Los amantes de la sidra y el quesu esfrutaron, esti miércoles n'Uviéu, d'una tastia  gastronómica cellebrada nel restorán La Comtienda, asitiáu na cai Manuel Pedregal. L'actu, entamáu pol Conseyu Regulador de la DOP y l'Asociación Ruta

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Big celebrations and activity in Gascona during San Mateo

The Cider Bars from Gascona Association from Uviéu has joined the celebratons for some activities for all the publics and all ages.   THE CIDER.- For kids there is a tent near the cask, the icon of the cider boulevard, with creeative workshops about image and design from 13 to

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