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The General Board approves unanimously the promotion of cider

This project was presente by Foro and asks the Asturian Government to encourage the actions towards the support of traditional and sparkling cider.

THE CIDER.- FORO’s president Cristina Coto defended today in a session of the Board the Proposal by his group for measures for the promotion of cider from Asturies.

After its unanimous approval Cristina Coto said that “Asturian cider puts together all the qualities of tradition, popularity, healthy consumption, creation of employment, added value, settlement of the restaurant sector, cultural fact and touristic appeal that shoudl gather more attention by the “Principality”.

She added that “with this we will congratulate ourselves if in Asturies after FORO’s approval now the Government carries out all the actions to support and promote Asturian natural and sparkling cider”.

The measures proposed by this political party are:

1.    The urgent ellaboration of a Promotion Plan for advertising Asturian Cider, natural and sparkling, with special attention on Christmas companies financed by the companies and associations of theproducing sector.

2.    To carry our through the services of the “Principality” in an insitutional Communciation Plan about the qualities of Asturian cider natural and sparkling to increase its presence in informative spaces, divulgation programs, especialized pages, tv, radio, press and internet encouraging the participation of the General Board, the Commerce Chambers of Asturies and the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs.

3.    And finally to contact both RTPA and RTVE for ahving in those tv and public radio to stablish a manual about the treatment of traditional beverages with spaces for the Chirtmas festivities including traditional natural and sparkling ciders avoiding any discrimination through undercovered advertising of any other beverage.

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