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The IHGC, more international than ever

The next edition of the International Hall of Gala Ciders will have many novelties and a bigger participation of worldwide cider mills.

Due to the presentations of the event we have been making across Europe as well as our presence in the main international cider fairs worldwide, with some months ahead of the IHGC / SISGA there are already many cider mills joining in. Year by year it’s growing in participation, so with many more to be confirmed, we can greet the cider mills from six different countries such as Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain and of course Asturies. And for the very first time, Japan. For instance we will count with the presence of the cider mills Lion Ciders, Macgleo, Colemans Cider Company, Tamura Farm, as well as several Asturian cider mills who will strive to set a high standard.


The event will take place in Xixón from 29th of September to 1st of October and will include an Open Tasting Day, the SISGA Awards, a Gala Dinner and Sommelier’s day for professionals of the sector. This year promises to be one of the most successful ones in the seven years of history of this event, with a schedule full of activities already confirmed, including traditional meals, visit to industrial Asturian cider mills, traditional cider bars and many cultural activities. A three-day program with the chance of many extra activities and visits for those who would like to stay more days and know better the Asturian cider culture in all its features.

Among the novelties of this year, there is the 1st Meeting of Journalists and Specialized Bloggers, which will deepen into the informative treatment of cider in the international frame. Apart of it the Gala Dinner will be preceded by an original activity linking cider and high gastronomy, that for now we keep as a surprise.

We remind that the number of vacancies to participate is limited, so we encourage the interested cider mills left to join in as soon as possible.


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