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The Popular Cider Tasting of Llugones disappears

The Llugones Muévese Association announced that they will not go on with the Popular Cider Tasting due to the absence of the deposit the City Hall should have made. However, they keep the beer party.

THE CIDER. -Which would be the fourth edition of the Llugones’ Popular Cider Tasting disappears according to the organizers because “we could not charge the 2015’s grant and due to the high costs that this activity means, the border of the Cultural Association Llugones Muévese decided not to organize the IV Popular Cider Tasting of Llugones 2016”.

However what they will do maintain is the Beer Festival, which they announce will support this year.

From LA SIDRA, knowers of the many costs that bears an activity of this kind and the lack of institutional support in Asturies to any Asturian initiatives, we understand this situation. We only regret that in case of leaving out one of the event, the chosen one had to be the cider one instead of the beer, as the first is our national beverage and the Asturian cider culture is a Good of Cultural Interest.

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