Inicio > EN > Trabanco awarded as “Xixón’s Responsible tourism”

Trabanco awarded as “Xixón’s Responsible tourism”

Inside of the campaign of the tourism promotion in Xixón, Trabanco Cider Mill along with La Poler Hotel, La Cuadra de Antón and Mg.Lab, were awarded.

the cider.- The Council of Tourism of Xixón’s City Hall empowers this sector to keep growing and to do so in the best quality and guarantee possible and thus gave the award “Xixón’s Responsible Tourism” to five companies recognized for their competence regarding this project leaded by Xixón Touristic Quality and Club of Toruism Companies of Asturies.


The fact is that among the awarded ones there is a cider mill renowned as part of the cider sector, so deeply committed with the main quality standards, in this specific case Trabanco, and following the bases of responsibility established.

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