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Trabanco Cider awarded at the Bath&West

This label got three bronze medals and put its ciders among the 500 best ones.

LA SIDRA.- The British cider contest Bath & West International Competition awarded the Sidre d’Escoyeta Trabanco Cosecha Propia, only half a point away from the silver medal, and Lagar de Camin, and Avalon also with a bronze medal.

The manager of Trabanco Group, Samuel Trabanco, highlighted the relevance of such awards because the acidity proper of Asturian cider is not always understood by the British juries.


This fact pointed by Samuel Trabanco is a fact that from LA SIDRA have been proving at the International Hall of Gala Ciders. This is why the IHGC/ SISGA is understood as a labor of criteria homogenization while assessing cider, as well as a labor of spreading the Asturian cider and its features.

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