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VIII First Cider of the Year’s Presentation

It will take place on Thursday 6th of April at 11 hours at Casa la palmera in Xixón.

LA SIDRA.- On Thursday 6th of April will take place the presentation of the VIII First Cider of the Year -PSLA- declared recently as Social Root event by Xixón Town Hall. The presentation will begin at 11 and there all the cultural, sports and gastronomic activities will be properly explained. They hill be held on neext 13, 14, 15 and 16th of April at Museum of the Asturian Village in Xixón. At the end of the presentation some cider glasses will be offered to the press by Buznego cider, whose cider was awarded as Best First Cider of the Year and thus the official cider.

During the presentation will speak Carme Pérez from the Asturies XXI Foundation; Falo Nosti, responsible for the workshops, apple smashing and kids activities and Rafael Fernández from Buznego Cider Mill. Also Teresa Sánchez, director of the Xovellanos Theater will come as representative of Divertia.

On Thursday 12th April at 13 h will be the opening of the First Cider of the Year as a homage for the deceased Constantino Ovín de la Vega, well known as Tino’l de la Barraca, who stated the proper way for cider pouring and the starter of the cider pourer contest in Asturies. Thanks to him we got “the rules of cider pouring”. To the homage will attend some people from his family. Also the owners of Buznego cider mill will participate as well as some people from Asturian gastronomic clubs. The cider pourer champion Salvador Ondó will serve the opening cider glass.

The entrance will cost the usual 5 € and there will be cider from mroe than 70 cider mills to be tasted. As a novelty this year there will be a specific area for pets and there will be a collaboration with “30 days cycling”. This organization will set a route across the city on Sunday 16th of April ending at the Museum of the Asturian Village. So all the members will be able to attend for free. As well everyone coming cycling will have a free pass that Sunday

As every year the PSLA will have plenty of activities for all ages with a wide cultural and gastronomic offer and also for fun, with tastings, workshops, live cooking, traditional dancing and sports and crats. Once again there will be activities for kids around the cider world so they learn about our national beverage and its culture. There will also be apple juice and alcohol free cider so everybody can enjoy the best of it. One of the main goals for Asturies XXI Foundation is this event to be for families, so everybody can enjoy a typical celebration.

With this First Cider of the Year organized by LA SIDRA and Asturies XXI Foundation, the Asturian cider season is opened and turns this event into a reference where culture, joy, tradition and gastronomy como altogether. There we recover the traditions of the Easter celebrations and to taste the new unblended cider. For more information you can check our site and social networks: y revistalasidra en Twitter.

More information and interviews: / 669 380 723

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